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Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the course, or if you are stuck with any particular parts of a lesson, then please get in touch and we will do our best to help you out.


Check out our FAQ below, maybe your question has already been answered.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I access the course content?

A: The course content can be purchased as a one off payment. You then you have to Log in to the members area to access the premium content.

Q: How many lessons are there?

A: There 45 lessons in total, which vary in length. 

Q: May I get a refund if I do not like the course?

A: Unfortunately we have no way of tracking how much of the course you have completed, so we cannot offer a refund

Q: Which version of AutoCAD do I need?

A: We are using AutoCAD 2019 during the course, however the vast majority of features and interface have been the same since Version 2014. There is a link to a Free 30 day trial of AutoCAD on the main menu bar.

Q: I've made a mistake and messed up my drawing, do I need to start over?

A: Throughout the course you will see that most lessons have a downloadable CAD file (DWG), you can use these to continue the drawing from the last lesson.

Q: How long will the course take me to complete?

A: There is over 6 1/2 hours of video tutorials. We expect the students to stop and start these videos while they work on their drawings. So most likely around 12 hours.

Q: Are there any special requirements to complete the course?

A: No. You just need a copy of AutoCAD and some time! Having a second monitor to view the course while you work is recommended, but in no way essential.

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